Elena Gilbert Inspired Makeup Look
Eftersom jag älskar Vampire Diaries tänkte jag göra en Elena Gilbert Inspired look, hittade en bild där hon har lite mörkare sminking då hon oftast har väldigt ljust och naturligt. Kommer nog göra hennes mer naturliga sminkning också som hon har i de flesta avsnitten! Tänk på att jag inte kan kopiera looken helt eftersom jag inte har de ögonskuggorna och det som är använt på henne, utan med de ögonskuggor jag hittade som är närsmast och så. Det kanske inte är helt likt men det är så jag uppfatatt hennes sminkning och med de färger jag har!:)

Det är den här bilden jag tittat på när jag gjorde sminkningen!
Jag har använt:
Eyelid Primer- Elf
Buttenut- Brightening Eye Quad- Elf
Butter Cream- Elf Single Eyeshadow
AntiDiva- NYX
Romantic Eye- Too Faced
Natural Eye- Too Faced
Black- Cream Eyeliner- Elf
Day 2 Night Mascara- Rimmel London
EOS lip balm

Start with priming your eyelid and applying Soulmates from the Too Faced Romantic Eye all over your lids up to your browbone.

I mixed a couple of eyeshadows to get this colour, mix togheter the orange color and the light brown from Butter Nut and Push Up from the Natural Eye. And apply that on to your lids, take the bronzy colour från the NYX trio over it and repete untill you get a gold/brown bronzy look. It shouldnt take too long to do that.

With a crease brush take Sexpresso in your crease and outer V. The flash kinda washed it out but you should build it up yo a pretty dark brown. And then blend. And add more brown if you want i darker. You can also take a lighter brown if you want a more natural look.

With a black eyeliner draw a thin line to your upper lashline.
With a angled brush take Sexpresso again and run it on your lower lashline.
If you want a even more smokey effekt take a black eyeliner on your waterline. I wanted it quite natural so I didnt take anything on my waterline.

Take the white shadow from the NYX trio on your browbone and your innercorner.
Curl your lashes and apply mascara
Optional: False Eyelashes. I don´t have it on but if you want you can add that. Elena deffently wears falshe eyelashes.

Optional: Fill in your brows. I used Sexpresso again to fill in my brows.
Apply a light pink blush i used Shy by Elf. The camera didnt really pick the colour up.
It dosent seem like Elena has anything on her lips så i just took on a lip balm.

Finished look! :) Very quick and easy natural look! As you can see in this picture the brown is pretty dark! :)
But i dindt go as dark as Elena has it in the picture!

Sorry about the Cam picture! My camera died!
The flash from my computer kinda washed everyhing out but.. Oh well what are you gonna do?
Hope you liked it! :)