Fondation Routine
Istället för att jag bara visar er sakerna och borstarna jag använder gjorde jag en liten tutorial så ni ser före och efter och hur vilket skillnad det blir.
OBS! det första bilden har jag absoult inget smink på... Det är inte många som sett mig utan smink haha, Jag är blek men blixten gör så att man ser ännu blekare ut som ni antagligen vet, och ursäkta mina konstiga miner blixten bländade mig hela tiden xD
På Engelska igen

I use this everyday + blush but I don´t use the same blush everyday.
Sometimes I use my Dior concealer but im almost out of it and it´s pretty expensive and I don´t know where i can buy it.
Make Up Store Liquid Foundadtion- Cream
Make Up Store- Cover All Blue (Under Eye Concealer)
Wet N Wild Cover All Palette
Leopard Love- I just use the Bronzer in it today
I forgot to take a picture of my moisturizer but I use Nive i´ve showed it before.

I use these brushes
Angled Fondation Brush- Elf
Flat top Powder brush- Elf (to buff out)
Powder Brush (Don´t know what brand)
1 Dollar concealer brush- Elf
Studio concealer brush- Elf
The ones with black handle (exept the one with brown bristles which is not from Elf) are studio brushes. They are just a little bit more expensive. But I would recomend to buy the Studio concealer brush and not the 1 dollar one because it´so small.

Step 1:
Moisturize your face and clip back your hair from your face

Step 2
Pump out a little bit foundation on the back of your hand. With the fondation brush start applying the fondation all over your face and down your neck so you don´t have to diffrent colours on your face and neck.
With the flat top powder brush, buff out your fondation so it dosen´t look caky.

Step 3
With the 1 dollar concealer brush take the green concealer (from the wet n wild concealer palette) on the red spots on your face, the green will cancel out the redness.
Don´t worry! your not going to walk around with green on your face ;) Were going to get to that in a minute!

Step 4
With the studio concealer brush take the skin colored concealer (In the wet n wild concealer palette) and take it on top of the green and blend it out with your finger.

Step 5
With the same concealer brush take the under eye concealer and conceal under your eyes and with your finger take ta salmon colored concealer from the wet n wild palette and dab it on top of the under eye concealer to brighten.
For you guys to see the difference I took the picture after I done one eye :)

Step 6
With the powder brush take the powder all over your face and down your neck. It´s going to set the foundation and concealer so it dosent go any where under the day.
Then i just apply blush and move on to my eyes :)
OBS! det första bilden har jag absoult inget smink på... Det är inte många som sett mig utan smink haha, Jag är blek men blixten gör så att man ser ännu blekare ut som ni antagligen vet, och ursäkta mina konstiga miner blixten bländade mig hela tiden xD
På Engelska igen

I use this everyday + blush but I don´t use the same blush everyday.
Sometimes I use my Dior concealer but im almost out of it and it´s pretty expensive and I don´t know where i can buy it.
Make Up Store Liquid Foundadtion- Cream
Make Up Store- Cover All Blue (Under Eye Concealer)
Wet N Wild Cover All Palette
Leopard Love- I just use the Bronzer in it today
I forgot to take a picture of my moisturizer but I use Nive i´ve showed it before.

I use these brushes
Angled Fondation Brush- Elf
Flat top Powder brush- Elf (to buff out)
Powder Brush (Don´t know what brand)
1 Dollar concealer brush- Elf
Studio concealer brush- Elf
The ones with black handle (exept the one with brown bristles which is not from Elf) are studio brushes. They are just a little bit more expensive. But I would recomend to buy the Studio concealer brush and not the 1 dollar one because it´so small.

Step 1:
Moisturize your face and clip back your hair from your face

Step 2
Pump out a little bit foundation on the back of your hand. With the fondation brush start applying the fondation all over your face and down your neck so you don´t have to diffrent colours on your face and neck.
With the flat top powder brush, buff out your fondation so it dosen´t look caky.

Step 3
With the 1 dollar concealer brush take the green concealer (from the wet n wild concealer palette) on the red spots on your face, the green will cancel out the redness.
Don´t worry! your not going to walk around with green on your face ;) Were going to get to that in a minute!

Step 4
With the studio concealer brush take the skin colored concealer (In the wet n wild concealer palette) and take it on top of the green and blend it out with your finger.

Step 5
With the same concealer brush take the under eye concealer and conceal under your eyes and with your finger take ta salmon colored concealer from the wet n wild palette and dab it on top of the under eye concealer to brighten.
For you guys to see the difference I took the picture after I done one eye :)

Step 6
With the powder brush take the powder all over your face and down your neck. It´s going to set the foundation and concealer so it dosent go any where under the day.
Then i just apply blush and move on to my eyes :)
Postat av: Victoria
fin blogg Emmely!:)