RoseGold Eye Makeup Tutorial
Tyckte det var dax med en tutorial så det blev en Rosegold aktig sminking :) Använde mig av Too Faced Natural Eye.

Start of by priming your eylids, i used Elf eyelidprimer, prime a little bit under your lower lashline aswell. And since i use the Elf lift and brow filler, i took the lift side and ran it underneath my borw like you can se in the picture and then i blended it your with my finger.

With a flat eyeshadow brush take 'Push Up' all over your lid, but not all the way in into your inner corner. Like you see in the picture.

With another flat eyeshadow brush take 'Sexpresso' in your outer V and bring it into your crease. And softly blend the edges.

With a small precision brush take a little bit of 'Silk Teddy' in your inner corner/ and around your tear duct area.
Take a blending brush and a tiny bit of 'Push Up' and softly blend it over 'Sexpresso' in your crease.

With a small angled brush take a little bit of 'Sexpresso' on your lower lash line and blend it softly.
As you can se i took 'Silk Teddy' a little bit along my lower lash line.

Line your upper lash line with a black eyeliner, i used Isadora Bold Tip Eyeliner in 50 Carbon Black. I made a rather thin line and thickened it in the outer corner. It got a little too thick, i would have liked it a little thinner but next time im going to make the line thinner.
Take 'Heaven' on a blending brush and softly blend it under your brow bone.

With a black pencil eyeliner, line softly your outerpart of your lower lash line, blend it out.
Line your waterline with a white eyeliner.

Curl your lashes and apply mascara and then your done :)

The finished look :)

Hope you liked it :)